How to Never Launch a Podcast (or Any Creative Project)

And how to push through when fear gets in the way

Brandon Beeyard
5 min readSep 11, 2020
Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

I’ll be honest. I was originally going to write an article to promote my upcoming podcast launch, and that motivation lasted about 10 seconds. One thing I’ve learned over the past few months as I started giving myself more freedom to create content, is that I’m not motivated by superficial or tactical goals. It doesn’t excite me. To me, a 5-point blog post about how to launch a podcast or how to improve your life by doing [fill-in-the-blank self-help thingy] is about as exciting to create as it is to read. It feels uninspired and ultimately unfulfilling. I have precious few hours in a day, so spending a morning on such a task just ain’t in the cards anymore. I am more motivated to be honest and open about my experiences as a creative. It feels like purer work, but it is also scary and anxiety-provoking, which means I’m on the right track.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I won’t ever write a 5-point blog post if feeling truly inspired, but that’s likely to happen about as often as it snows here in New Orleans. Instead of five points, I’ll give you one point — the point I’m most passionate about today.

To help others find their voice, I had to embrace mine

Some quick background info. I’ve been working on my new podcast (“Into the Spotlight”) for several months now. I began in early March 2020 (an ancient, glorious time when crowded stadiums and live music concerts were a thing). It took a while to produce the initial batch of 12 episodes — longer than I anticipated. It would have been sooner, but I had other things happening in my life and Covid fatigue is real, folks.

The subject matter of “ITS” is very personal and important to me. It’s about finally owning who you truly are, the divine voice you’ve been suppressing all your life. The show is meant to reach other aspiring communicators like me, but the message can be applied to all creatives. I’ve been ready to launch for at least a month now, but I haven’t done so.

Why the hell not?


I know I need to get this message out there. If I help just one other person it’ll be worth it. But I can’t seem to bring myself to launch. It comes down to an almost subconscious, fundamental feeling of resistance (a.k.a. fear). I’m standing at the one-yard line but I’m afraid to cross the endzone. Crossing that goal-line means making this real. Even if rationally I know there’s very little downside to launching, the underlying fear remains.

What if nobody likes it? What if it fails? What if people will think it’s a pathetic attempt at redemption and salvation when it’s way too late for my dreams, and I should just get a real job?

These are all messages perpetuated by my ego, whose goal is to keep me safe and secure in my little comfort zone. But I’ve outgrown my ego and it’s false fear-based messages. I see them for the lies they are, yet those messages still float around in my head. So it’s time to move forward despite them and force my way into the endzone, dragging the defenders by my ankles. Except in this metaphor, the defenders aren’t even real, yet our overactive imaginations give them weight anyway.

Your beliefs are what hold you back

To be truly successful and to reach heights most others can barely glimmer, you must challenge those deeply entrenched beliefs that hold you back the most. To truly step onto that stage and take your place under those bright lights requires trust, faith and vulnerability. Trust in yourself — that you’ll know what to do. Faith that once you embrace your purpose, the universe will work with you instead of against you. And the vulnerability to drop the mask and be who you truly are.

It’s not easy, but it’s way damn harder to do alone. Make it easier on yourself by finding supportive people. Build your network of supporters — people who know you and will help you even if they don’t always understand your message or goal. But beyond that, you need to find at least one person who truly understands the vulnerability and fear involved in this process.

Fear points the way

I recently started a consulting service where I help others launch podcasts, and for a long time I struggled to figure out what I could offer that was truly unique and valuable. Sure I can help with the technical and creative stuff, but a lot of people can do that. Then it dawned on me that the hardest part of bringing your voice to the world is believing that you should. It’s in understanding that you’re not alone. I know because I’ve struggled with the belief part for years.

Once you’ve connected with your true voice, you have found real power. The world will conspire for you instead of against you. Helping others build belief is how I can most help those like us. I’ve been there myself, so I get it.

If you’re a creative or an aspiring communicator, know this: fear points the way. If you’re finally ready to embark upon your life’s mission, there will be fear. This is good. It means you’re heading in the right direction. Think of it as a GPS for your soul. Then once you have the right bearing, set course knowing you’re not alone. Help is always out there. It’s available to you all the time actually.

Find that belief in yourself. You are here for a reason. Your gut instincts have been correct all along. It’s time to trust them. Take the leap. You are closer than you think.

If you’re ready to share your true voice with the world and want some help navigating the pitfalls, check me out at



Brandon Beeyard

I write about creativity, lifestyle freedom, and the art of online show making. Ready to launch your media empire? Connect at