Your Dream Never Stood a Chance

But it’s not too late. Let me save you some time…

Brandon Beeyard
4 min readNov 18, 2020
Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

You don’t sacrifice your dream on purpose. It dies because you made many little choices that slowly bled it dry. How did it come to this? It’s not your fault. You harbored a hidden belief that was waiting to destroy your dream, and you didn’t even realize it. Your defenses were down.

So what was this belief?

It’s that you are not enough; that you are defective. Everyone else is fine, but there is something wrong with you. If you are defective, then your dream — the deep knowing of who you are and what you’re capable of — must be wrong too. After all, if you aren’t enough, then you’ll never be capable of great things.

Where did this disempowering belief originate? The short answer is: it doesn’t matter. Yes, it probably came from childhood, and yes, it’s good to figure this out because that insight will help erode its power. But all you really need to know is that the belief is a lie. It’s a seductive lie. It began sprouting before you had any chance of stopping it. Going forward, the work will be to eradicate the weed before it chokes your dream like a parasitic kudzu vine.

And let me assure you, once you step into your power, that weed doesn’t stand a chance. Just know, the work of cultivating your garden will take longer than you want. Be patient. It will be well worth it in the end.

I’ve been toiling away in my overgrown garden for years, so let me save you some time.

First, find the right mentor. This can be one person, or it might be several people over time. The biggest mistake you can make is sticking with the wrong person for too long. You will seek out coaches and you’ll be willing to pay them handsomely. They will make grand promises to transform your life quickly. Some might even be sincere, but in your heart you’ll recognize the right mentors and — more importantly — the wrong ones. Trust your gut when it tells you to move on. Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t compliment your unique personality and goals. Just like dating — when it’s not a fit, move on. This will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Before anything else, you must be ready to change. Nobody can help you until you’re ready. And right now, you aren’t. How do I know? You haven’t changed yet. You won’t change until you are truly dissatisfied with your life. It has to become so painful you can’t tolerate living this way another moment. You don’t have to hit rock bottom or have a near-death experience. But you must feel deeply dissatisfied with your old life and believe you are capable of more.

Be patient. It takes time to de-program your mind of long-held toxic (and false) beliefs. Consciously you know the truth, but the subconscious always lags behind. One is a speedboat and the other is a cruise ship. The nimble vessel can scout the path ahead, but the behemoth lags behind and needs a wider berth. Once the cruise ship finds the optimal course, though, almost nothing can stop the powerful inertia.

Don’t be too patient. On a cosmic time scale, your life is but a brief flash. You are going to die, and that’s good news because death gives life meaning. It holds your feet to the fire. It motivates you to take action; otherwise, you would endlessly drift through existence. The sand in the hourglass of your life has been trickling away since the moment you were born. Don’t despair. This should free you to focus on the truly important things. Rest assured, if you reconnect with who you truly are, the remaining grains of time are filled with beautiful moments.

Let go of the past. It’s a sunk cost. Looking back, it seems like you wasted a lot of time getting your act together. But you needed to get here first — to the point where you actually wanted to change. The only waste was allowing yourself to be filled with worry and doubt. You can choose to drop that negativity and move forward.

So why haven’t you changed your life yet? Because you’re still comfortable with the status quo. That status quo — if left intact — will lead to a wasted life.

Were you waiting for permission? You had it all along. Were you waiting for something else to change? It’s all meaningless in the face of death. Really, you weren’t ready to change yet. Let go of the past. You have a new opportunity right now. Nothing is holding you back. Take the leap. I promise you this: the longer you wait, the more painful the change will be. So why not change now? You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Brandon Beeyard

I write about creativity, lifestyle freedom, and the art of online show making. Ready to launch your media empire? Connect at